Kur Dhe Pse Është E Nevojshme Heqja E Dhëmbëve Përpara Trajtimeve Ortodontike

Painless tooth extraction at a dental clinic in Albania

Sometimes before going through with the orthodontic treatment, you may need to address some other dental issues. Tooth extraction can sometimes be a crucial aspect of this process. Understanding the reason why this can be necessary is very important and can help you feel more at ease with the situation. The main reasons why tooth […]

Opsionet E Zëvendësimit Të Dhëmbëve Për Grupmosha Të Ndryshme

tooth replacement treatments, dental implants in Albania

Missing teeth can happen to anyone whether since birth or later due to trauma. If this happens the patient will have difficulties maintaining oral health and their quality of life will be impacted. When it comes to teeth replacement options, this will vary from patient to patient and age is an important factor. Understanding the […]

Trendet Kryesore Në Trajtimet Stomatologjike Për Vitin 2025

Modern dental care in Albania

As we enter this new year, we are ready to start the journey towards healthy and perfect-looking teeth. In 2025 this will be easier to achieve since new trends have emerged and patient expectations have risen. At Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic, we offer the newest advancements, technologies, personalized dental care and transparent information when […]

Disa Këshilla Për Njerëzit Me Dhëmbë Të Ndjeshëm

Tooth sensitivity is widespread and manifests as discomfort or pain while eating and drinking cold or hot foods or beverages. This pain can last at different intervals and can also be triggered by air changes. The degree of sensitivity can change from person to person. This being said, each treatment will also work differently for […]

Procedurat Më Të Shpeshta Të Kryera Nga Kirurgët Oral

The best dentist in Albania specialized in performing zygomatic and pterygoid implant surgery

Oral surgeries are an important part of dentistry. Their role is crucial when it comes to serious dental issues and maintaining oral health.  Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic offers the best surgeons for all kinds of dental procedures that require professional care and training. In this blog post, we will help you understand the role […]

Mbyllja E Hapësirave Midis Dhëmbëve Pa Aparat Ortodontik

Dental bonding for tooth gaps, correcting tooth gaps with Invisalign in Albania

Many people have gaps between their teeth and while some are not bothered by it others don’t find it as aesthetically pleasing and are constantly trying to find ways to improve them. While the first choice that people consider for this cosmetic issue is braces due to their effectiveness, certain people don’t prefer them and […]

Rregullimi I Imperfeksioneve Të Vogla Me Lidhjen Kozmetike Dentare (Dental Bonding)

Do you have chips, stains, or misaligned teeth and want to improve these imperfections but dont know how to? At Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic in Albania, we offer several procedures that will help you and one of the most effective is dental bonding. Furthermore, we will explain this procedure in detail, its many benefits, […]

Mishrat E Dhëmbëve: Si Të Trajtoni Asimetrinë

In many people, gums can rest too high or too low and while some people are not bothered by it some others are constantly trying to find ways to fix it. This can result in an uneven smile that makes you feel embarrassed leading to a lack of confidence.  In order to find the right […]

Përfitimet E Digital Smile Design Në Stomatologjinë Moderne

Affordable dental surgery at a dental clinic in Albania

Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a combination of digital technology and dental artistry that provides personalized and perfect smiles. These helpful tools can make the planning process of dental treatments easier and perfect for each patient. If your dentists use this approach the results will be more precise and the patients will be more satisfied. […]

Parandalimi I Komplikimeve Gjatë Procedurës Së Implanteve Dentare

The best way to replace missing teeth will be dental implants. Not only are they strong and durable but they will also make your teeth look amazing.  However, the procedure of getting dental implants is considered a surgery and as such it comes with a risk of complications and side effects, such as implant failure, […]


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