Roli I Abutmentit Në Suksesin E Implantit Dentar

Affordable dental surgery at a dental clinic in Albania

As you may have heard before, dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. They are composed of three different parts; the implant, the abutment, and the prosthetic tooth.  In this blog post, we will focus mainly on the abutment, its role, and why they are important. Overall they serve as the main […]

Implantet Zigomatike Në Klinikën E Dr. Roland Zhukës Në Shqipëri

Zygomatic implants showing on screen with a panoramic x ray.

Zygomatic implants are one of the most innovative alternatives to traditional implants, designed to replace missing teeth and aid in the rehabilitation of the atrophic posterior maxilla. This type of dental implant surgery eliminates the need for bone grafting or sinus lift procedures, thus contributing to a shorter and more comfortable treatment. This technique allows […]

Peri-Implantiti: Shkaqet, Simptomat Dhe Opsionet E Trajtimit

Peri-Implantitis causes and prevention

Dental implants are one of the best solutions for replacing missing teeth in a way that is both permanent and natural-looking. However, like with any surgical procedure, dental implants carry their own risk of complications, one of which is peri-implantitis. This condition plays a huge part in the recovery process for every patient who has […]

Implantet All-On-4 Apo Implantet Dentare Tradicionale: Cili Është Ndryshimi?

Affordable all on 4 dental implants in Albania. Permanent teeth removal solution.

Dental implants are an amazing solution for people who are looking for a way to permanently replace their missing teeth. However, there are many types of implants available. Choosing the best dental implants for you may seem a bit confusing. In recent years, a new dental implant development has taken the dental industry by storm. […]

Dentistët Apo Ortodontët? Kur Duhet Të Vizitoni Kë?

Most of you know what a dentist does and why it is important to set an appointment at least twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings, but do you know why it is important to have an appointment with an orthodontist? What are the main differences between these two dental professionals and what treatments […]

Çfarë Është Procesi I Osteointegrimit Dhe Si Ndikon Ai Në Implantet E Mia?

Before explaining what osseointegration is we would like to talk about dental implants. As you might know, this treatment has the purpose of replacing the whole structure of the tooth including the root. It is composed of three parts including the crown, abutment, and fixture. The fixture is made from titanium because it is biocompatible […]

9 Fakte Interesante Për Implantet Dentare

Dental implants are an excellent method of replacing lost or severely damaged teeth. They consist of two elements that are meant to resemble real teeth in both appearance and functionality: a crown that is fastened to the top of a cylindrical metal post that is positioned beneath the gum line to serve as a tooth […]

Implantet Dentare, Urat Apo Kurorat: Cila Është Zgjedhja Më E Mirë?

Missing or damaged teeth have been an issue for many people all over the world. When it comes to finding the right solution to fix this issue, usually we face three options: dental implants, bridges, or crowns. All these treatment suggestions offer great results and are highly recommended but the choice will depend on the […]

Kujdesi Për Suksesin Afatgjatë Të Implantit Dentar

Implantet dentare ne Shqiperi

Because dental implants are strong, practical, and seem natural, they have become the best option for replacing lost teeth. When spending time and money on dental implants, it’s important to know what has to be done to keep your new replacement in good condition. Dental implants can provide long-lasting comfort, confidence, and an enhanced quality […]

Avantazhet e Implanteve Zigomatike dhe Pterigoide

The best dentist in Albania specialized in performing zygomatic and pterygoid implant surgery

Zygomatic and pterygoid are a type of dental implants that are usually used in patients that do not have a sufficient bone or the quality of it is not very durable. They are longer due to the fact that they need to be placed in the cheekbone area, unlike traditional implants. Furthermore, we will explain […]


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