Përfitimet E Digital Smile Design Në Stomatologjinë Moderne
Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a combination of digital technology and dental artistry that provides personalized and perfect smiles. These helpful tools can make the planning process of dental treatments easier and perfect for each patient. If your dentists use this approach the results will be more precise and the patients will be more satisfied. […]
Parandalimi I Komplikimeve Gjatë Procedurës Së Implanteve Dentare
The best way to replace missing teeth will be dental implants. Not only are they strong and durable but they will also make your teeth look amazing. However, the procedure of getting dental implants is considered a surgery and as such it comes with a risk of complications and side effects, such as implant failure, […]
Restaurimi I Plotë I Gojës: Procedurat E Rekomanduara
Full mouth reconstruction also known as full mouth restoration is a comprehensive approach for people who are looking to restore both the function and aesthetic of the smile. There are several procedures that can make this possible for you including dental implants, dental crowns, bridges, and also veneers. Finding the right treatment for you won’t […]
Materialet Më Të Përdorura Në Implantet Dentare: Titani Dhe Zirkoni
Dental implants are the most popular restorative option used nowadays. Their effectiveness, appearance, and durability will be highly affected by the materials used to design them. Two of the main materials used to compose implants are titanium and zirconia. Both these materials have their own set of benefits and drawbacks that need to be considered […]
Gjithçka Që Duhet Të Dini Për Urat Dentare
Have you recently experienced tooth loss and you are trying to find the right way to replace it? We know that having a gap between your teeth can be annoying and make you feel less self-confident, but we have the right solution for you; dental bridges. In this blog post, we will help you understand […]
Zgjedhja Midis Implanteve Dentare Me Ngarkim Të Menjëhershëm Dhe Të Vonuar: Çfarë Duhet Të Dini
When it comes to replacing missing teeth dental implants are the best treatment option. But which will be the best option among immediate and delayed loading implants? This is a very important choice that will directly affect the success of this procedure along with the patient’s comfort and the healing process. In this blog post, […]
Problemet me Implantet Dentare All-on-4 dhe Rëndësia e Zgjedhjes së një Klinike me Reputacion
Deciding whether all-on-4 dental implants are the right choice to replace missing teeth is a very important decision that will change your life. Just like any other dental procedure, this treatment comes with potential issues, and the sooner you understand them the better. In order to help you understand all-on-4 dental implants better, we will […]
Roli I Abutmentit Në Suksesin E Implantit Dentar
As you may have heard before, dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. They are composed of three different parts; the implant, the abutment, and the prosthetic tooth. In this blog post, we will focus mainly on the abutment, its role, and why they are important. Overall they serve as the main […]
Implantet Zigomatike Në Klinikën E Dr. Roland Zhukës Në Shqipëri
Zygomatic implants are one of the most innovative alternatives to traditional implants, designed to replace missing teeth and aid in the rehabilitation of the atrophic posterior maxilla. This type of dental implant surgery eliminates the need for bone grafting or sinus lift procedures, thus contributing to a shorter and more comfortable treatment. This technique allows […]
Peri-Implantiti: Shkaqet, Simptomat Dhe Opsionet E Trajtimit
Dental implants are one of the best solutions for replacing missing teeth in a way that is both permanent and natural-looking. However, like with any surgical procedure, dental implants carry their own risk of complications, one of which is peri-implantitis. This condition plays a huge part in the recovery process for every patient who has […]