Common Procedures Performed By Oral Surgeons in Albania

Oral surgeries are an important part of dentistry. Their role is crucial when it comes to serious dental issues and maintaining oral health. 

Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic offers the best surgeons for all kinds of dental procedures that require professional care and training. In this blog post, we will help you understand the role of oral surgeons and help you understand when you might need their help and expertise. 

What Is An Oral Surgeon?

Oral surgeons are trained dental specialists which are also known as maxillofacial surgeons. Their field of expertise is to perform complex surgical procedures to fix issues around the mouth area. 

This means their expertise goes beyond simple general dentistry and focuses on complex tooth extractions, jaw issues and even the treatment of mouth cancer. 

They go through several trainings so that they get the necessary skills to deal with oral issues such as different diseases, severe injuries and trauma in the hard and soft tissues of the mouth. 

What Is Oral Surgery?

The speciality area of dentistry known as oral surgery, or oral and maxillofacial surgery, is devoted to using surgical techniques to treat a range of problems affecting the mouth, jaw, and face. It covers a wide range of clinical issues, from face reconstruction to tooth extraction, and includes both simple and complex surgical treatments. 

The general well-being of patients is enhanced by oral surgery, which treats both the functional and cosmetic elements of oral and face health.

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

The most common procedure performed by oral surgeons is the removal of wisdom teeth. The main reason why this surgery is required is due to the tooth becoming impacted.

Once this happens the patient will be in constant pain and at risk of developing other issues such as infection, and severe tooth decay that will also impact the other teeth nearby along with the gums. Additionally, in some cases, they should be removed due to the development of cysts and tumours around the area.

After your regular dentist or orthodontist examines your mouth, they might refer you to an oral surgeon for the extraction. This is very important, especially before or after orthodontic treatment. 

Symptoms Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Some of the symptoms that can indicate that your wisdom teeth need to be removed include:

  • The presence of infection near the wisdom tooth. 
  • Swelling of the face and the gum line around the impacted area.
  • Pain that doesn’t subside for a long time.
  • Soreness in the mouth. 

Why Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

In some cases, wisdom teeth removal is necessary because they can not erupt properly and damage the neighbouring teeth. In other cases, people have a small jaw that doesn’t allow the wisdom tooth to erupt without damaging the soft tissue and neighbouring teeth. 

Since diets have evolved and we live a modern lifestyle, wisdom teeth are no longer necessary. They can be removed since they don’t affect our way of speaking and chewing the food which are two of the mouth’s main functions.

If the wisdom tooth is not removed correctly, the patient will feel pain and risk damaging the neighbouring teeth. This process is known as wisdom tooth impaction. 

Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

Compared to the process of removing other teeth, the extraction of wisdom teeth is pretty much the same. However, the procedure will solely depend on several factors such as the severity of the case, the location of the tooth and its position.

Sometimes, the tooth can be removed in one piece; in other cases, it may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces. Additionally, in rare instances, incisions may be necessary. This is typically required in more severe or complex cases, especially when bone removal is needed to help with the extraction process.

In order to ease the pain and discomfort the oral surgeon will administer local, general or IV sedation, depending on the case. The procedure time will take about 30-60 minutes. 

Wisdom Tooth Surgery Recovery

At Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic, we stick by our patients through every step of the wisdom tooth extraction surgery. Here is what you should look out for during the recovery period:

  • If the procedure is performed under the effect of general anesthesia or IV sedation you should have someone to accompany you since you won’t be able to drive by yourself. 
  • The first days after the surgery, you may still feel some pain or discomfort that can be easily managed by antibiotics and painkillers. 
  • In order to reduce the bleeding after the procedure, the surgeon will advise you to bite down on a gauze pad.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are the best way of replacing missing teeth. They are composed of three main components including the screwlike post, abutment and crown. 

Unlike other restoration device, dental implants replace the whole missing tooth structure including the root. After the procedure, you will have the perfect smile without any missing or damaged teeth. 

The placement of a dental implant is considered an invasive surgery that will depend on the type of implant and the oral condition of the patient. The procedure can take time and involve several steps. 

Despite this, dental implants are totally worth it if you have missing or damaged teeth. They offer a number of benefits that will help you feel better about yourself. 

Why It’s Done

The main reason why dental implants are recommended is to replace missing teeth along with the roots. Unlike dentures, they won’t slip, make any noise or damage the jawbone. They will fuse with the bone acting the same as the tooth root and handling the same pressure. 

Consider dental implants if you:

  • Want to replace missing or damaged teeth.
  • If you are fully grown and your mouth has fully developed.
  • If you have enough bone density to secure the implants.
  • Your oral health is in a good condition. 
  • If you don’t have enough bone you should be in good health to handle the bone grafting procedure. 
  • If you don’t have any underlying medical issues that can affect the recovery process.
  • If you don’t want to wear dentures.
  • You are ready to commit to the dental implant surgery process.
  • You are not a smoker or you are willing to quit. 


Dental implant surgery comes with its own set of risks just like every other surgery. However, at Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic, our professionals do their best to minimize these risks and if they occur they will find the right treatment in no time. 

Some of the risks involved with dental implant surgery include:

  • Infection of the area. 
  • The damage to the nearby structures that support the implant. 
  • Numbness and pain due to the nerve damage.
  • If performed by an inexperienced surgeon, sinus issues are also possible.

Bone Grafting Procedures

Sometimes patients will not be suitable for dental implants due to their lack of jawbone density and volume. In these cases, bone grafting procedures will be very useful.

The dental surgeon will add bone to the areas where it is missing to increase and return the missing density from the jawbone. This procedure is very beneficial as it will hold space in your jaw and allow the body to repair itself. 

Some of the materials used to compose the “artificial” bone are:

  • Allograft: Human bone from donors.
  • Alloplast: Bone made in the lab to substitute the missing bone.
  • Autogenous. Bone taken from other parts of your body.
  • Xenograft: Bone taken from animals. 

What Dental Issues Are Managed With A Dental Bone Graft?

Dental bone grafting will be necessary in cases of:

  • After an extraction, if there is an empty tooth socket left.
  • To repair the damage done by dental trauma. 
  • To increase the density and volume of the jawbone, in order to prevent jaw deterioration.
  • To repair the bone that may have been damaged from dental trauma.  
  • When the maxillary sinuses need to be lifted especially before the dental implant procedure. 

What Happens During A Dental Bone Grafting Procedure?

The bone grafting procedure involves several steps. However, this will depend on the location of the bone. During the procedure, the dental surgeon will:

  • Use anaesthesia to numb the gums so you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.
  • Make a small incision in the gums and gently move them so they have a better look at the jawbone.
  • Disinfect the area.
  • Once the area is clean the dental bone grafting material of your choice will be added.
  • The bone graft will then be covered with a membrane so it is protected from outside factors.
  • The gums will be repositioned to their initial position and they will be closed with stitches. 

Sinus Lift Procedure

The sinus lift surgery just like bone grafting is another procedure commonly recommended when the patient doesn’t have enough bone. However, the difference between the two is that the sinus lift will provide sufficient bone only in the upper jaw.

The air-filled sinuses in the upper jaw are located under the eye, above the upper premolar and molar teeth, and next to the nose. There is a thin membrane that lines the bone inside the sinuses. In sinus lift operations, this lining is elevated, or “lifted,” to provide room for dental implants and bone.

This operation will either be performed at the same time or before the surgeon places the dental implants. 

How Can A Sinus Lift Procedure Help?

If the patient has lost their back teeth on the upper jaw the best treatment will be sinus lift. During this procedure, the dental surgeon will be able to create enough bone under the sinus so the implants can be placed and not move. 

The new bone will be placed between the jaw and sinuses. Overall the treatment will take some time so it is important to be patient. The timeframe will vary from 6 to 12 months and in some rare cases even longer. 

What Types Of Sinus Lift Procedures Are Available?

The sinus lift procedure comes in three main types. These types are based on the density of the existing bone in the area:

An External Approach Without Existing Bone

To elevate the membrane, grafting material will be introduced from the cheek side of your sinus. You might need another surgical treatment to insert the dental implant when the bone has healed.

External Approach With Some Existing Bone

In order to elevate the membrane, grafting material will be inserted from the cheek side of your sinus. In this type of sinus lift it will be possible to have your dental implant installed immediately.

Internal Approach With Some Existing Bone

The implant preparation location in your mouth will be lightly tapped to elevate your sinus. At the same time that your dental implant is being installed, grafting material may be forced into the implant preparation site.

Why Complex Procedures May Be Better Managed By A Skilled Dental Surgeon

If you want a successful procedure and to minimize possible complications, it is important to find the right dental surgeon. Dr. Roland Zhuka’s dental clinic offers the best specialists in the field and the best experts who have the right knowledge and treatment to deal with these kinds of issues at any time.

Here is why you should choose our clinic for your complex dental surgeries:

Expertise And Experience

Our specialized and trained dental surgeons have undergone several training sessions that go beyond general dentistry. They have focused on complex surgical procedures, the administration of anaesthesia and dealing with complex cases. 

Our clinic is equipped with the newest tools which will help handle every procedure in the safest and most effective way. Dental surgeons are more specialized and they will also be able to manage complications that can arise during surgeries.  

Minimising Complications

Invasive procedures like tooth extractions and dental implants require the expertise of skilled surgeons. Although the possibility of risks is minimised, complications can still arise.

Complex dental procedures carry a higher risk of consequences including infection, nerve injury, or excessive bleeding. By using careful surgical methods and thorough post-operative care, a skilled surgeon can better minimize these risks, guaranteeing a safer surgery and a speedier recovery.

Advanced Pain Management

More often than not, complex dental procedures call for more than simply administering local anaesthesia. Surgeons skilled in general anaesthesia and conscious sedation can make the procedure more comfortable for the patient and for themselves. This knowledge is especially crucial for people who are anxious about going to the dentist or for long, complex treatments.

For the comfort and recuperation of the patient, effective pain treatment both during and after the surgery is essential. To reduce pain and swelling, clinicians skilled in the prescription and management of painkillers can offer appropriate aftercare advice.

Comprehensive Care

Before performing a difficult dental procedure, a qualified dental surgeon would thoroughly evaluate the patient’s medical background, dental condition, and individual requirements. This includes thorough diagnostic imaging, including CT or X-rays, to precisely design the procedure.

The dental surgeon will also create a customized treatment plan based on the patient’s particular circumstances after the assessment. This guarantees that each aspect of the process—from anaesthesia to post-operative care—is thoroughly evaluated and adjusted for the greatest possible result.

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