Usually, your wisdom teeth will erupt in late adolescence or early adulthood and in most cases removing them will be the best choice in order to prevent further issues that their wrong position can cause. Not knowing the right time and signs for you to understand if it is the right time to have wisdom teeth removed or not can be challenging.
In this blog article, we will mention 7 warning signs that will tell you that you may need your wisdom teeth removed. In some cases, these teeth can erupt successfully and they might not need to be removed but this is not always the case. If you are not sure if this is the right procedure for you, keep on reading the article.
What Is Wisdom Teeth Removal?
As we mentioned before, wisdom teeth which are also called third molars usually erupt between the ages of 17 to 25 and are located at the back of your mouth. In some people, a dentist will recommend this procedure to avoid problems in the near future but in some other cases if the tooth grows normally they will let it be. The purpose of this treatment is to protect your jaw and bones.
A person may have one wisdom tooth in each quadrant (upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right) or all four. While several others could have none at all, perhaps one, two, or three. The number of wisdom teeth you have or don’t have doesn’t always indicate a health issue. It represents the constantly evolving process of evolution and is only a variant of the norm.
How Do You Know When You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled Out?
Furthermore, we will explain the top 7 signs that can indicate that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted by a professional dentist.
Overcrowding And Incorrect Growth
Overcrowding is a major issue that occurs when wisdom teeth are unable to fit comfortably in your jaw. As a result, your other teeth are shifting, overlapping, and crowding together as a result of them forcing them out of alignment. They eventually grow sideways and squeeze into gaps at the back of the mouth, leading to more severe problems with dental health.
Pain Or Discomfort In Your Jaw
Perhaps the most typical indication that extraction of the wisdom tooth is the best course of action is pain. Since all of your teeth must erupt into your jaw correctly for the structure of your jaw to remain intact, wisdom teeth that erupt wrongly or push other teeth around are typically the cause of dull, continuous pain in your jaw.
Inflamed And Swollen Gums
Gum flaps frequently develop when wisdom teeth are just beginning to erupt. Food particles can get trapped in this gum tissue, causing inflammation and redness that is hard to remove. Gum bleeding could also occur when you try to clean your back teeth. This is one more indication that you need to see an oral surgeon or dentist since you have a lot of bacteria accumulation in your mouth.
Cyst Growth
Even though cysts form around other teeth as well, they are primarily found on the lower jaw surrounding wisdom teeth. These microscopic sacs of transparent liquid are pathologic lesions that have the potential to cause significant harm to neighboring teeth, roots, and surrounding tissues. Severe occurrences may result in a tumor that needs to be removed surgically.
Bad Breath
Bad breath may be caused by a variety of things, including allergies, sinus infections, poor sleeping patterns, and food habits, but it usually happens when harmful bacteria are proliferating in your mouth. A misaligned pair of final molars can be challenging to clean, even with the finest dental hygiene practices, which makes them an ideal environment for germs and food particles.
Sinus Issues
Sometimes the wisdom teeth push against the jaw sinuses as they erupt and as their roots expand. Headaches, pressure, congestion, and sinus discomfort can all be exacerbated by this increased pressure.
It’s also possible for your wisdom teeth to cause a sinus infection. An infected tooth, for example, may distribute to adjacent sinus cavities and result in fever, sinus discomfort, nasal discharge, and even poor smell.
Damage To Adjacent Teeth
Untreated impacted wisdom teeth can lead to significant gum and bone recession or negatively effect the health of neighboring teeth. A misaligned bite function can also be quite uncomfortable as a result of crooked wisdom teeth. For this reason, it’s essential to get a routine dental examination to identify if there are any hidden issues with your teeth.
Procedure Details
How Should I Prepare For Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Your wisdom teeth will be examined by an oral surgeon during your appointment, and they will take dental X-rays to pinpoint their precise placement. Telling your surgeon about any vitamins, supplements, or medicine you’re taking at the moment is always a smart idea.
During this visit, your surgeon will also go over your choices for sedation dentistry with you. They could suggest local anesthetic, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), IV (intravenous, or via your vein) sedation, or general anesthesia, according to your requirements and choices.
Your surgeon will provide you with comprehensive information on how to be ready for your visit if you decide to have general anesthesia or IV sedation. This might entail quitting some drugs a few days before surgery and fasting till after midnight the night before. (Continue taking your medicine as long as your doctor says so.)
What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
During the wisdom tooth extraction procedure your surgeon will:
- Make you comfortable by giving you anesthesia to numb your gums and teeth. (They will also give you sedative drugs if you opt for sedation.)
- If required, make incisions (cuts) in your gums to reveal teeth that are hidden in your gums or jawbone.
- Lift your wisdom teeth out of their sockets with caution after loosening them. (They might need to separate your tooth into smaller pieces to make removal simpler.)
- Make sure there are no infections by cleaning the area.
- If stitches are required, close the surgical site.
- To stop the bleeding, cover the sockets with gauze.
How Long Does This Procedure Take?
The average time to remove wisdom teeth is one hour or less. However, in more complex situations it might take a little longer. This usually depends on the position of the wisdom tooth or if there is an infection involved.
What Happens After Wisdom Teeth Removal?
You can expect some swelling, bleeding, and some discomfort following the extraction of your wisdom teeth. In order to minimize these negative effects, your dental surgeon will provide you with care guidelines for wisdom teeth. You will need to be driven home by a reliable friend or family member as the anesthesia wears off sufficiently.
Dos And Don’ts After Wisdom Tooth Extraction
You will receive postoperative instructions from your surgeon tailored to your circumstances. You can better control your post-procedural bleeding, edema, and discomfort by following these suggestions. Here are some basic “dos and don’ts” following wisdom tooth extraction after the wisdom tooth extraction:
- After your procedure, keep the gauze in place for approximately half an hour. If needed, replace it with fresh gauze. Your surgeon will advise you when you should stop using gauze following wisdom teeth extraction. However, generally speaking, you can remove it after the bleeding stops. Some bleeding is okay, but you shouldn’t be bleeding excessively.
- Get as much rest as you can. For at least three to five days, you are supposed to recuperate at home. You may have to take a longer break before going back to work if your profession requires a lot of hard labor.
- To assist in reducing swelling, apply an ice pack on the treated area. Place a fresh towel over the ice pack and press it against your face. After 20 minutes of use, take it off for another 20 minutes. Repeat this step a few times per day.
- Maintain clean extraction sites. Use an alcohol-free antimicrobial mouthwash to gently moisten the surgical regions. Avoid swishing. Swallowing can produce painful dry sockets, which expose the bone at the extraction site, and loosen blood clots. Rather, tilt your head to either side and allow the mouthwash to penetrate the affected areas.
- The remaining teeth should be cleaned and flossed each day. You should still brush your other teeth during the healing process, even if you shouldn’t brush the areas where the extractions were made. This lowers the possibility of infection.
- Adhere to the recommended dosage for all drugs. You will receive medicine from your surgeon to help you feel comfortable and lower your risk of infection. Continue taking these drugs until your surgeon says so.
- Don’t use a straw to sip what you’re drinking. This leads to dry sockets and the dislodging of blood clots.
- Stop exercising until your surgeon thinks it is safe. Elevating your heart rate raises the possibility of experiencing discomfort, hemorrhage, and edema. Most people may get back to their exercise routine in 48 to 72 hours.
- Don’t lift large objects. You have a higher chance of experiencing postoperative problems such as discomfort, hemorrhage, and edema when you carry heavy objects.
- Don’t consume chewy, crunchy, or hard meals. These may hurt and harm your gums while they recover.
- Don’t sip carbonated drinks or alcohol-infused drinks. These drinks have the potential to release blood clots and induce dry sockets. Give up these beverages for a minimum of five days.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take To Recover After Wisdom Teeth Removal?
The healing period following wisdom tooth extraction is typically one to two weeks. However, most individuals may return to their regular schedules in three to five days, including work and school. To ensure your comfort during your healing process, your surgeon will provide you with comprehensive postoperative instructions.
What’s The Worst Day Of Pain After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
Pain following surgery differs from patient to patient. However, many people have increased edema and discomfort on the third or fourth day. Generally speaking, you should see a gradual reduction in these adverse effects after the peak of pain and edema. Inform your surgeon if, after four days, the discomfort, bleeding, or edema worsens once again. It might indicate that you’re infected. They can assist you by giving you antibiotics.
How Long After Wisdom Teeth Removal Can I Eat?
If you’re feeling hungry, you can start eating as soon as you leave your appointment. For the first three to five days, stick to a soft food diet; when your comfort level permits, add more solid meals. Use a spoon rather than a straw if you are eating a milkshake or smoothie. Dry sockets and the dislodgement of blood clots can result from drinking from a straw.
When Can I Go Back To Work Or School?
Following wisdom teeth extraction, you will need to recuperate at home for three to five days. Most individuals may now go back to their regular jobs, studies, and other activities. You might need to take a few additional days off if your job entails strenuous labor. Anything that increases heart rate has the potential to worsen bleeding, edema, and discomfort following surgery.
Do You Have To Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
In many circumstances, dentists stand getting rid of wisdom teeth in advance. But not everyone requires the extraction of their wisdom teeth. Certain individuals possess sound wisdom teeth that develop regularly and pose no problems. Others have wisdom teeth that are impacted, which raises their risk of gum disease, decay, and other oral health issues. Speak with your dentist to determine if you require wisdom teeth extraction. To find out where your wisdom teeth are and whether you require treatment, they can take X-rays.
What’s The Average Wisdom Teeth Removal Age?
You are old enough for wisdom teeth extraction as long as you are old enough to have wisdom teeth. There is also no maximum age. In your late teens or early 20s, many dentists advise getting your wisdom teeth removed. Your wisdom teeth may be simpler to remove at this age since they are still growing.
What If I Don’t Have Them Removed Now?
Many people have been advised to “wait and see” when it comes to wisdom teeth, particularly in previous years. Many of those without enough space experienced the previously noted localized issues. This method has a drawback in that it is obviously more difficult for you as the patient IF you have to have your impacted wisdom teeth removed when you are older—in your thirties, forties, fifties, or beyond. There is a greater risk of complications and an extended post-operative time. It is more difficult to treat these issues than it is for a younger patient.
It would be wise to wait until or unless a localized issue (such as cyst development or localized gum disease and bone loss) emerges before having your impacted wisdom teeth out in your teens or early twenties, at which point you should treat the afflicted region alone. This is because as people age, there is a decline in the predictability of healing and an increase in the risk of infection and delayed recovery.